Maria Yakunchikova-Weber

Maria Yakunchikova-Weber


Maria Yakunchikova (1870–1902) is one of the most outstanding masters of the Silver Age. In her work, Art Nouveau, Symbolism, and elements of Expressionism organically intertwined with the search for a national form.

During her short life Yakunchikova was able to create a significant number of works. The vector of her creative evolution was traced from a realistic, naturalistic method to modernity and symbolism, from easel art to creating decorative panels through a unique technique of carving and wood burning. Yakunchikova was exhibited in Russia and Europe, her works were reproduced in major art publications, and her cover sketch of a swan was used on several issues of the Mir Iskusstva Magazine.

This anniversary exhibition of Yakunchikova will fully present for the first time the creative heritage of the master, with more than 60 paintings, and about 10 works of decorative art, as well as more than 60 watercolor studies, pastels, and etchings.